How to Choose Your Shower Screen
The code of our IMS Competition products tells you a lot about the characteristics of the shower screen:

Our showers are classified according to the most common brewing group of each manufacturer.
MA – Marzocco, Synesso, Slayer
E61 – Faema, SANREMO, Kees van der Westen, Wega, VBM, Expobar, Bezzera, BFC, Bianchi, Brasilia, D.I.D. L’Orchestrale, ECM, Fiorenzato, Grimac, Iberital, La Nuova Era, La Scala, Quality Espresso, Rocket, Royal first, SV – SAB, VFA, Bellezza, Lelit.
RA – Rancilio, Promac
SI – Nuova Simonelli, Victoria Arduino, Mavam
SR – Nuova Simonelli, Rancilio
CI – La Cimbali, Astoria, Elektra, Brasilia, Breville/Sage (The Oracle)
GA – Gaggia
SM – La San Marco, Astoria and Wega with small group
SP – La Spaziale
PA – La Pavoni
BV – Breville/Sage, Solis
N.B. The most common products of each manufacturer are compatible as indicated, but there may be models that use different components which may not always fit some models of home espresso machines.
Decide the result you want to obtain

We developed three different filtering technologies to obtain different results according to your needs.

WM : WIRE MEMBRANE – The shower is made up of a membrane of woven stainless-steel wires that is applied to the shower assembly by means of a caulking process: the body of the shower is folded over the mesh to lock it in place without resorting to any welding. Its main feature is its very high filtering power of 35 μm that blocks the passage of extraction residue during the drying process. This helps to maintain the group as clean and efficient as when it was new. In addition, it protects both the group and the solenoid valve from deterioration caused by dirt. This shower screen gives a good turbulence, so it’s better with fresh coffee or blend. It’s important to keep the shower clean, so a right maintenance is essential.

IM : INTEGRATED MEMBRANE – The integrated membrane shower screen is made of a single filtering part in stainless steel obtained through a process of photoetching: special micro perforations are made inside the thickness of the shower to obtain a filtering power of 200 μm. Its main characteristic is the exclusive design of its perforations, which, in addition to guaranteeing better distribution, makes this product last longer and easy to clean. Indeed, being made of a single part, the shower body is more resistant, and its surface is totally smooth and free from rough spots where dirt can deposit and accumulate. It represents a good compromise between distribution of the water and turbulence. It helps to improve the extraction, emphasizing the sweet and fruits notes of your coffee.

R: REINFORCED MEMBRANE – These shower screens are made of a 0.8 mm thick, highly hardened steel supporting disk, in combination with a photo-etched membrane with a filtering power of 200 μm. The smooth and easy to clean membrane and reinforced disk form a perfectly flat unit. This enables homogeneous distribution of water. In addition, the reinforced disk guarantees greater resistance so It’s perfect in case of intensive use or over dosage. It has a more homogenous distribution of the water than the Integrated Membrane shower screen and it exalts the sweetness and floral notes of your coffee.
Consider the Nanotech coating
In order to improve the percolation process, IMS offers a high-quality coating using quartz nanotechnology, the NANOTECH coating, for integrated and reinforced membrane shower screens.
The advantage of this technology is its hydro repellent effect. Water comes down in a shower of tiny drops that are uniformly distributed over the whole surface of the showerhead, saturating the coffee homogeneously and emphasizing all the flavors of your coffee.
Furthermore, thanks to its high adherence, this coating makes it easier to remove used coffee pods, and it also makes it easier to clean thereby rendering the antibacterial nature of the surfaces extremely effective.

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